Parental agreement for underaged members
  1. Understand that the leaders are responsible for the well-being of my/our child only during:
    1. the weekly meetings, for the period of time that is communicated to us in writing by the leaders,
    2. and, during any other activity, according to the time agreed by me/us and the leaders through our signature on the activity’s consent form.
  2. I/we understand that the leaders can take the responsibility of our child only if s/he is present at the premises where the weekly meeting is held or at the meeting point agreed upon for the participation in a youth activity;
  3. I/we understand that the leaders cannot be held responsible if my/our child arrives at a meeting point later than the agreed time. In such cases I/we understand that my/our child may lose the right to participate in the activity (including meetings) in question, and for any refund of any paid fees;
  4. I/we understand that the leaders and ŻAK cannot be held responsible of any valuable or other personal belongings that my/our child may have with him/her during any of the events organised by ŻAK, including weekly meetings. This applies even if these valuables or other personal belongings are being used as a tool, resource or an educational aid in any of ŻAK’s activities.I/we understand that my/our child has the right to participate in any activity, and/or in the group’s weekly meetings, as far as s/he collaborates with the other members and the leaders, according to the spirit and aims of the group;
  5. I/we understand that in the event that my/our child quits his/her membership in ŻAK, or if his/her membership is suspended on the grounds of a negative attitude towards the group and the organisation, I/we do not have the right for the refund of the full or part of the membership fee.