GDPR Agreement

  1. aware that this information is being collected on behalf of Żgħażagħ Azzjoni Kattolika and Azzjoni Kattolika and that this same information will be held and processed as defined in the General Terms and Conditions for Personal Data Protection Policy, according to the ecclesial and state laws. For further information on withdrawal of consent given in this form, retention, processing, portability, correction, objection, deletion of data and the right to initiate a complaint with the supervisory authority I can access these Terms and Conditions as listed in the Personal Data Protection Policy. I can approach the Youth Leader for further information or to exert these rights.
  2. The information collected in this form will be kept by ŻAK and/or AKM in the official member’s database. This information is being retained and processed for purposes related to ZAK/AK activities. I know that certain correspondence and attendance shall be kept for pastoral and administrative purposes as applicable.
  3.  The information provided will be kept confidential and cannot be passed on to third parties, with the exception of:
    1. the events indicated in the relevant Maltese Laws;
    2. when this needs to be done to safeguard the wellbeing of our/my child and that of other members;
    3. if it is requested for pastoral purposes by the Parish Priest of the parish in which the group is operating. In such cases only the necessary information is passed on.
  4. Declare that all information given in this application form is correct and should there be any changes I am bound to immediately inform the Youth Leaders.
  5. agree that my medical information may be released to persons concerned for activities as necessary
  6. The information gathered through this form can be used by ŻAK and/or AKM for the scope of communication with the members or their parents/guardians, regarding matters concerning the membership in the organisation. Communication can be by means of messages (sms or similar)/emails/correspondence.
  7. In the event that I quit my volunteering in ŻAK, I have the right to ask for the removal of all personal details provided in this form from ŻAK’s member’s database.  The deletion should be carried out within three months from when my correspondence reaches the organization, unless the Maltese Laws state otherwise, or any information will be needed for auditing purposes, in such cases the information will be destroyed after the expiry of the audit period;
  8.  I have the right to ask for a correction of the information provided in this form. ŻAK is bound to carry out these corrections on its official database, within a month from when my correspondence reaches the organization;
  9. In the case that I chose “yes” in the section regarding the publication of photos and my basic information by ŻAK in the attached membership agreement:
    1. I am aware that during the activities of ŻAK/AKM, photographs of me may be taken. Any of these photos may be used on ŻAK’s/AKM’s online communication channels, including social media and print media.  These can be also used by ŻAK and/or  AKM for reporting or promotion purposes, and thus may be used on different media;
    2. The name, surname and age may appear in publications and/or press releases made by ŻAK/AKM;
    3. I have the right to ask ŻAK/AKM to remove any photo that portrays me and other personal information from ŻAK/AKM‘s official online media, given that the photo and/or information have been posted on ŻAK’s/AKM’s official channels. This will be done as soon as possible, after that I/we inform the organisation in writing.  I/we understand that such procedure cannot be done in case of print media and media administered by third parties;
  10. In the case that I chose “no” in the section regarding the publication of photos and my basic information by ŻAK/AKM in the attached membership agreement:
    1. ŻAK/AKM binds itself to make its utmost to exclude my image and basic information as listed in part 1, section 3 point 1/ f/ ii. above, from any official publications and third party media. However, given that ŻAK and AKM are run on voluntary basis, I/we cannot hold ŻAK/AKM legally responsible or liable for any consequences whatsoever, in the case that, by a genuine mistake or oversight, the image or basic data (see part 1 section 3 point 1/f/ii) is published. In such cases part 1 section 3 point 1/f/iii applies;
    2. ŻAK/AKM binds itself to make all efforts to avoid that any photos of me are taken during any ŻAK/AKM’s activity by other members and third parties. However, in the occurrence that photos of me are taken and published by other members or third parties, ŻAK/AKM cannot be held responsible and/or liable.
  11. I can be contacted on the contact information provided in this form;
  12. I may be added to official virtual social media groups that may be established by ŻAK/AKM to facilitate communication between its members;
  13. Any official correspondence with ŻAK shall be made by means of a signed letter addressed to 213, Brared Street, Birkirkara, BKR1256, or by email on