
  1. ŻAK means Żgħażagħ Azzjoni Kattolika;
  2. AKM means Azzjoni Kattolika Maltija;
  3. The word leader/s and youth leader/s are used interchangeably, and refer to individuals who are responsible from the group and authorised by ŻAK and AKM;
  4. ŻAK and AKM are represented by their leaders and other people serving in other bodies in their structure, thus any reference to ŻAK and AKM also implies and refers to  their authorised leaders and members of the administrative and managerial bodies, conversely, any reference to the leaders also implies and refers to ŻAK and AKM ;
  5. Group refers to a group of young people that meets regularly within the ŻAK setup;
  6. Weekly meetings refer to meetings held every week, on a regular basis, normally held at an agreed time, on the same day of every week;
  7. Activity/activities refer to any other activity held by the group or for which the group participates, besides the weekly meetings.
  8. Youth Leader refers to a person who is entrusted and endorsed by AKM and ŻAK to perform youth work. This term is being used as a general term and refers to those people who are either directly responsible for a youth group or who are assisting the work with a youth group.  The term includes qualified youth workers and youth ministers, people who have undergone or are undergoing training in the youth field and other people that AKM and ŻAK deem fit to entrust for rendering services with a  youth group.
  9. Legislation refers to the ‘General Decree on the Protection of Data (2018)’ (GDPD), to the General Regulation on the Protection of Data (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) and any other legislation or regulation in due force.