Role Models

Here is a small sneak peek into the past, more specifically last weekend’s ŻAK 16-18 Live-in. We did a lot of activities together – we ate, played, prayed, walked and much more. One of the highlights of this weekend was the role models session, where we invited people from different walks of life and they spoke to us about their life, what makes life meaningful for them and how we can strengthen our communities, among other things. We also had the opportunity to talk to them in smaller groups, and get to know them a bit better.
Thank you to all participants and leaders who made this experience possible and wonderful!

Dan il-live in kien ‘one to remember’. Iltqajt ma’ nies ġodda fiż-ŻAK kif ukoll role models fil-komunita’ u allavolja kellna attivitajiet forsi mhux daqsekk faċli, ħadt gost ħafna għax għamilnihom flimkien – Miriana Ciantar

Ħadt gost niltaqa’ ma’ membri ta’ ċentri oħra waqt il-live in, u ħadt pjaċir nitkellem ma’ nies li m’humiex parti miż-ŻAK imma għandhom vokazzjonijiet differenti u huma xorta nvoluti fil-komunita` ta’ madwarna, għax sirt naf ftit fuq il-ħajja tagħhom, u sirt naf kif nista’ nieħu ħsieb aħjar lin-nies u l-ambjent ta’ madwari – Giovanni Bonavia

Dan it-training kien esperjenza unika u ta’ vera. Kienet opportunità inkredibbli fejn stajna nitgħallmu mil-leaders tagħna iżda wkoll, u b’mod speċjali minn dawk ta’ madwarna. F’dan it-training flimkien, komplejna nibnu il kommunitajiet tagħna b’diversi esperjenzi varjati, speċjalment il-komunitajiet żgħar fiċ-Ċentri taż-ŻAK li aħna leaders fihom, bil-konsegwenza li il-komunita` sħiħa taż-ŻAK tkompli tikber.
– Mikiel Cassar, ŻAK Iklin

During this leadership event, I had the chance to meet new people from different centers and get to know more those I already knew. We took part in different interactive workshops where we openly discussed and shared our opinions and experiences. Although we had some challenging moments, the incredible support and collaboration among our team members helped us to overcome these challenges. It was a very enjoyable and enriching experience that left a profound and lasting impact on me. The exceptional teamwork and the strong sense of togetherness made this training all the more special. I am grateful for the meaningful connections and valuable lessons I gained from this experience.
– Matthew Spiteri, ŻAK Ħal Tarxien.
On the 22nd of June, another role model session was held at Our Lady Immaculate School in Ħamrun, the students had the privilege of listening to Jamie, a ŻAK member who is the reigning female chess champion of Malta and a council member of the Malta Chess Federation. Jamie introduced the fundamentals of chess, its historical background, and the remarkable achievements of women in the game. She highlighted the benefits of engaging in chess, fostering friendships, personal development, and stress relief. Jamie emphasized the importance of creativity and decision-making for becoming a good chess player. To make her message relatable, she shared her personal journey in chess, from starting at a young age to fearlessly competing in international tournaments. She encouraged the students to embrace bold moves and think critically, both in chess and in life. The students were given a small board game as a small token, and also with the aim of encouraging them to play with others in order to nurture and grow in the skills associated with such games.


The live-in and session were held as part of the Role Models Project financed by the European Union Programmes Agency in collaboration with ŻAK. This activity’s administration was handled by ŻAK’s Youth Work Coordinator, who is funded by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ through the Invest Scheme.
@Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps – EUPA Malta @Aġenzija Żgħażagħ