Taghna t-tfal
Did you know that the Maltese Catholic Action has been working in primary schools in Malta and Gozo for nearly 33 years? The newspaper Taghna t-Tfal is published and distributed by AKM every year.
In the beginning, the newspaper had a different layout. Today it is more like a magazine rather than a newspaper. Like everything else, Taghna t-Tfal, had to develop and adapt as time went by.
Christine Brincat and Sarah Caruana are the two editors of Tagħna t-Tfal, which along with Victoria DeBono (responsible for the illustrations) are also involved in ZAK groups (Catholic Action Youth). This team of three people created a product, not only of information but one education and training, which reaches more than 7000 children each month during the school year. This was possible because all three are coming from a background of working with children and publications. The newspaper is done on a voluntary basis, during their free time, and involves quite a lot of dedication, commitment, making and keeping contacts with contributors and setting and designing the final product on the computer.

Tagħna t-Tfal focuses on personal, social and spiritual values children need to grow into mature and responsible citizens. To achieve these objectives, various agencies, groups or entities such Sedqa, Kellimni, Transport Malta, Wasteserv, Ekoskola, STARS, DogsTrust, Birdlife and others provide their contribution on a monthly basis. Pages from Fr Reuben Gauci (ZAK spiritual director), Adrian Gellel (coming from the Theology department at University) and Marika Zammit (a primary school teacher) give a spiritual and religious dimension to the newspaper and help children in the development of Christian teaching. This year, members of the Department of Education will give children a continuation of what happens in the classroom. The Social Studies, Religion and Science departments will be providing interesting pages where the children, along with their teachers or parents can read and learn from them. Moreover, Clare Azzopardi provides a story every month in order to promote reading in Maltese amongst school children.

Tagħna t-Tfal also contains pages where children can read for fun, draw, write and play. The competitions help children use their minds to find solutions, and they can also try their luck every month to win something for taking part! For this, we would like to take this opportunity to thank many companies that offer the gifts or vouchers throughout the school year.
Anyone who subscribes to Tagħna t-Tfal in the month of October 2013 will get a boardgame which children can fix stickers to. The children will be receiving 1 sticker every month together with newspaper. Therefore, we urge you to subscribe for the newspaper for your younger brothers or sisters, children or grandchildren!
A subscription for 9 issues (between October and June) will cost only €5 or €7.50 if your would like to receive the monthly newspaper by mail at home. Subscription for a year for school children may be collected at the school itself.
All you need to do to subscribe is to fill in the information requested below and send it along with a check payable to Tagħna t-Tfal to: Catholic Action, Tagħna t-Tfal, Catholic Institute, Floriana FRN 1441 or can you go directly to Catholic Action Bookshop, at Catholic Institute, Floriana and pay there.
For more information kindly the Catholic Action bookshop on 21237031 or send an email to taghnatfal@gmail.com