AKM Seminar: 95 Years of Catholic Action in Malta
On Saturday 22nd February, a half-day seminar was organised for individuals holding various leadership positions in the different branches and groups of the Maltese Catholic Action. Nearly 50 people participated in this seminar, ranging in age from 20 to over 70 years old. Organised moments like these help participants not only to get to know each other better, but also to continue expressing the positives, discussing the challenges they face in their mission, and providing mutual support. This seminar was specifically organised in February because, during this week, Catholic Action celebrated the 95th anniversary of its establishment in Malta.
The theme chosen for this year’s seminar was “The Past, the Present, and the Future”.
The members and volunteers gathered early in the morning at Dar tal-Providenza in Siġġiewi, where, while enjoying tea and coffee together, they had the opportunity to read
more about the history of Maltese Catholic Action, which was exhibited around them, ensuring that the past milestones are celebrated. The prepared programme began with a presentation by Marija Cahia, the President of Maltese Catholic Action, who provided statistical data on the current number of members and groups within the organisation. This
allowed participants to gain a clear understanding of the organisation’s present state.

To start working on a future plan for the organisation, the members were presented with three different scenarios to envision where the Maltese Catholic Action might be in five years time. The first scenario helped people imagine the organisations 100th anniversary celebration. The second scenario depicted a status quo situation, where no progress or change occurred within the organisation. The final scenario involved the announcement of the organization’s closure and death.

In smaller groups, members discussed these three scenarios and decided in which direction they wanted to take the Maltese Catholic Action over the next five years. As the organisation is also in the process of selecting a new Presidium and other various
leadership roles for the next 3-year term, there is a need to build a vision and action plan for the coming years. During the workshops, members had the opportunity to generate new ideas, outline a list of priorities for the organization to focus on, and suggest necessary actions to achieve these essential goals.
The workshops concluded with a mass, through which the members continued reflecting on their purpose, mission, and scope, as well as what motivates them to be a part of Catholic Action and why they do what they do. After the programme, there was time for members to socialise and share a meal together.